Based on feedback, today we’ve launched an update for our task list, introducing three new views:
After a suggestion from one of our mediation services, we’ve now introduced a new archiving feature for mediators who leave the service. This enables past cases attributed in drop downs, but for all new cases they’re excluded, preventing mistakes in assigning cases and activities.
This has been updated to include the document reference field in the generated Word document along with the notes field. We’ve also made this accessible from the case activities screen too (using the Export button) to enable non administrators to generate a list of all case activities.
After a request on Friday from one of our family mediators, we’ve now added a new field in the LAA monthly checking spreadsheet to include the name of the mediator responsible for the case.
One of the new MQM requirements as part of the new 2018 contracts is to provide a backup facility for key dates on case files. In preparation we’ve created a new facility in the System > more settings section to download a backup all future key dates in a spreadsheet format.
From Monday 8th January, new court forms will be available for FM1, C100, Form A1, Form B and Form A1. Previous versions will be eligible until 12th January. As a consequence, from Monday 8th January, new integrated pages from the forms will be available as templates from within Progress Mediation. These are currently lists in order from 9000 onwards. We highly recommend archiving previous versions of the forms using the edit templates facility within the system > more settings options, then updating the order of the new templates as needed. A user guide is available in the help system to explaining how to manage the letter / email templates.
Progress Mediation provides the facility for solicitors to be linked to mediation cases to show where referrals have occured. Over time, it may be necessary to update solicitors to different contact name or location, however existing references need to remain on the system. We’ve now incorporated the means of archiving solicitors so they remain on the system for older cases, but are removed from selection dropdown menus when associating with new cases.
Outreach locations are used as alternative locations for holding mediation sessions. Over time, it may be necessary to update these outreach locations to different buildings, or towns, however existing references to where mediation has taken place already needs to remain on the system. We’ve now incorporated the means of archiving mediation locations so they remain on the system for older cases, but are removed from selection dropdown menus when creating new cases.
Earlier this year we released a new Fieldcode Generator tool for Windows, which enabled services creating letter templates to list available fieldcodes, then insert into Word.
With Progress now supporting Apple’s OSx, we’ve had to develop a method for listing and inserting fieldcodes for Mac users too. We decided to move online, today launching a beta version of our Template Fieldcoder.
To access the tool, simply visit and discover the wealth of fieldcodes available within Progress Mediation which can be used within letter or email templates to speed up the process of client communications.
We have finally found a solution to fully support Progress Mediation integrated document creation on the Safari. This is a huge achievement for us, opening up the Apple platform to the full set of reports, and instant document creation.