We're continually improving our software to ensure it remains the most comprehensive case management package available. Click on a title to find out more information about recent updates.

Today we’ve added a new feature to our quick find facility, incorporating the ability to search within the client or partner database for a number. Often when clients ring up and leave a message they won’t leave their name just a telephone number. This feature helps search the database to identify the case before ringing back. A feature recently requested by our clients.

We’ve now added a new field when editing existing calendar appointments to show the location. This introduces the concept of viewing the appointment location within the calendar rather than within the Willingness stage for the entire case.

Following feedback from a recent LAA audit, we’ve now introduced checks on the assessment type (alone or separate) to verify whether the type reflects the assessments carried out on the case. If the case is set as ‘alone’ but assessment dates for both parties are entered, or if the type is ‘separate’ but only one assessment date is entered, then the user is warned of a possible inconsistency.

As the online LAA submission xml data is being generated, we check to see whether there is any missing case information. As well as generating a spreadsheet with all the information, we also create an error report highlighting missing information. Today we’ve added a new check for missing 1st mediation session details, and missing client / partner eligibility.

Following the request and addition of a facility to mark cases as passported, we’ve now created a new report enabling mediation services to list closed cases in Progress between a specific date range which have been passported.

In our mind, letter / email templates are a real key to making mediation services more efficient. To assist with the process of creating the letters and inserting relevant fieldcodes at appropriate places, we’ve created a new tool. It generates a list of all the available codes, which is grouped by categories or searchable. Each of the fielcodes also have descriptions to illustrate how the code can be used. The code is automatically copied into the clipboard, which can then be pasted into a letter template written in Word.

Fieldcodes enable case information to be automatically inserted into letter or email templates. We’ve added new codes to display the number of previous mediation appointments, either as a number or text.

The Quick Find facility is one of the mostly frequently used features of the system. As databases grow, so the time taken to complete searches increases. We’ve now changed the method we use for searching for client or partner names across closed and open, making it 75% faster searching than before.

Where cases involve passporting, Progress is now able to record this information on a case my cases basis. The information will then be extracted into a new report enabling mediation services to show the number of passported cases monthly.

Following a discussion between a number of mediators, it has been decided to change the destroy date from 2 yrs to 6 yrs for cases which only reach assessment in the completion stage. This is automatically calculated by pressing the tab key after entering the field Date case closed. Mediation services which prefer to use 2 yrs can either manually enter a date in the destroy section by not pressing the tab key after entering the Date case closed, or updating the destroy date after it has been automatically updated.

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